Foundation for Agrarian Development Research

      Vorobyovy Gory, Moscow,
      Scientific Park, MSU, Building 1,
      119899, Russia,
      (095) 930-89-52, 930-89-63

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History - 1995

1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001

In February FADR organizes Internet-server, that is the first agricultural server in Russia.

In March mailing list FADRnews has been launched. It still serves as the basis for disseminating information within the country. Its participants include dozens of organisations from different regions throughout Russia. This listserver distributes a broad spectrum of information ranging from information about life in the regions to a synopsis of developments in agriculture at the global level.

Faculties of Rodale Institute and regional FADR staff at Moscow office.
FADR works with the Rodale Institute, a nonprofit organization in the United States, to promote regenerative farming techniques, those that renew and improve natural resources as they are used. FADR is one of Rodale Institute's Regenerative Agriculture Resources Centers (RARCs). The other RARCs are located in the US, Senegal and Guatemala.

As part of its efforts to promote agricultural alternatives, FADR staff were the first to design and teach courses on sustainable agriculture at Moscow universities.

Together with Orel regional administration FADR organizes an International Conference on agrarian transformation in Russia.

FADR starts to teach courses on the use of new information technologies in agriculture and agribusiness. FADR prepared a book on electronic networking options in Russia - the first brochure on Internet and electronic mail in Russian language. The book primarily addresses agricultural users from distance regions of Russia.

URL: http:://


Phone/Fax: +7 (095) 930-8952.
Copyright © 1996-2002, FADR