Working With Women, Tips for the Trenches

Few will argue against the need to increase the role of women in development, particularly agricultural development. But in many instances mobilizing women means working against tradition. This is more easily said than done. So where do you start? Women, Conservation and Agriculture, a Manual for Trainers will give you a good idea. This book is designed as an aid for those working with rural women in sustainable agriculture and natural resources. This is a very practical, comprehensive guide meant to facilitate learning from rural women, and to help them work together for better management of the environment.

This book was designed for extension workers, and development field workers working with women's organizations, mixed gender groups, or individual women at the local level. It is also for those who train these extensionists. The format of the manual is mostly suited for small group discussions and group exercises.

Section I provides an overview of the importance of gender consideration and how women fit into environmental conservation. Section II outlines techniques for participatory analysis such as how to conduct a village interview, including what not to say and do. Rapid Rural Appraisal techniques are described. How to learn through women's perceptions of their situation, and how to deal with conflicts of interest are also addressed. Section III is a listing of women's organizations for resource conservation. Section IV gives a variety of conservation techniques. Examples are provided to stimulate thinking rather than to provide pat answers.

The emphasis is on learning from villagers. This book provides a clear and straightforward description of techniques for successful communication which is the basis for successful development.

Women, Conservation and Agriculture, a Manual for Trainers. Commonwealth Secretariat.


Women and Development Programme Human Resource Development Programme
Commonwealth Secretariat
Marlborough House, Pall Mall
London SW1Y 5HX