VOLVO Spare Parts

Spare part, accesory VOLVO model Price, US $$
Filters (oil, air, fuel) all models 15-38
Wind screen 200, 400 250, 270
Wind screen 740/940 310
Wind screen 850 340
Wind screen 760/960 480
Lateral screens all models 80-140
Rear screens all models 320-540
Bonnets 400 700-750
Doors, fenders all models 315-800
Bumper covers all models 280-360
Anterior spoilers 850 ?? 240
Boot covers 850 470
Ornamental moldings for lights all models 20-50
Headlights all models 305-370
Headlight glasses, sidelights, lamps all models 50-140
Mechanical, electric mirrors all models 140-280
Motor starters (VALEO production) 400 325
Shock-absorbers, springs (front, back) all models 65-130
Pivoted ball mounts, silent-blocks 700/900 15-50
Track-rods, track-rod ends 700/900 38-120
Clutch kits 700/850/900 265-344
Brake pads (front, back) all models 60-155
Gasket kits, rubber pad kits all models 15-130
Gates (intake, output) 700/900 15-60
Pistons, rings, con-rods, bearings all models 40-110
Straps 700/900 20-30
Relays, gages, sensors, switchs all models 20-90
Wheel disks (steel, light-alloy) all models 140-340
Accumulators VARTA (Germany) 55-74 ampere/hour 83-111


In the storage of Central Store Ltd. in Moscow there are more than 3,000 points of spare parts and accessories including widest spectrum of spare parts to "old" models of VOLVO (series 200, 300, 400, 700) as well as tyres produced by GISLAVED (including winter tyres adopted to Russian tracks)

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